Adobe Bridge CC 14.1.1 Full Download

Welcome to FileCR, your ultimate destination for downloading Adobe Bridge CC 2019 14.1.1 (32Bit). This powerful software is available for full version free download, including torrent and pre-activated options, so you can access premium features without the need for a license. Download now and experience the convenience and reliability of Adobe Bridge CC available. All collection of Adobe Software.


Adobe Bridge CC is a digital asset management application developed by Adobe Systems. It serves as a central hub for organizing, browsing, and accessing various types of media files, including photos, videos, and design assets. With Adobe Bridge, users can easily manage their files, perform batch operations, apply metadata, and preview content, making it an essential tool for photographers, designers, and multimedia professionals. Full Download: Adobe Animate.

File Size:

864.81 MB


Adobe Systems

Release Date:



  • Centralized File Management: Organize and manage media files from different sources in one central location.
  • Batch Operations: Perform batch renaming, metadata tagging, and file processing operations to streamline workflow tasks.
  • Preview and Review: Preview various file types, including images, videos, PDFs, and Adobe Photoshop files, without opening additional applications.
  • Metadata Support: Apply and edit metadata to files for better organization and searchability.
  • Keyword Tagging: Add keywords and labels to files for easier categorization and retrieval.
  • Integration with Adobe Creative Cloud: Seamlessly integrate with other Adobe Creative Cloud applications, such as Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator, for efficient file management and collaboration.
  • Customizable Workspace: Customize the workspace layout and interface to suit individual preferences and workflow needs.
  • Filtering and Sorting: Filter and sort files based on various criteria, such as file type, date, rating, and keywords.
  • Bridge Home: Access tutorials, news, and updates directly within Adobe Bridge through the Bridge Home feature.
  • Output Options: Generate PDF contact sheets, create web galleries, and export files in various formats for sharing and distribution.



Bits Availability:



Adobe Bridge CC is available for Windows operating systems in 32-bit versions. Download the software from the link available here or trusted sources to ensure safety and reliability. Other software of same categories can be find here.

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